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SCHOTT Indexing

Sarah Schott writes intuitive, comprehensive, accurate and user-friendly indexes for books, catalogs, manuals, magazines, directories and anything else that needs a professional finding aid. Sarah brings to each indexing project a range of knowledge gained through ongoing education, a varied professional background and interesting life experiences. Her work history includes jobs in publishing, entertainment, research, library services and legal support. An avid reader, researcher and traveler, Sarah is able to tackle almost any topic. She has lived in Rio de Janeiro-Brazil, Vienna-Austria, Maine, Washington D.C. and Colorado. Sarah currently resides and works in New York City. 

An index produced by Schott Indexing will provide you with an excellent, high-quality product that will guide the user and greatly improve the value of your materials. Indexes are prepared using Chicago Manual of Style guidelines or can be tailored to meet any other desired style specifications. On time delivery of your index is guaranteed.


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